HomeManchester Walking FootballManchester Walking Football April 2023


Manchester Walking Football April 2023 — 4 Comments

  1. Great summary, great league, just feel playing the same teams in the same order each month makes for a disdavantage when you get to face strongest team in game 4 each time. Mixing the ties each time would overcome this.

    • People do not realise the work involved in preparing the monthly fixtures for 12 divisions in the GMWFL. We did originally change the fixtures every month at one stage but the workload, along with other duties, meant that it wasn’t sustainable for the voluntary work that we all do.

      If anyone cares to take over planning and formulating the fixtures, without any reward, then please let me know asap.

  2. Usual high standards set by all the teams in the GMWFL. It was a pleasure to be involved, although still as a spectator and not a player but hopefully that will be put right eventually. Some really close games in the first division and a good battle for the top spot, long may it long continue.

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